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All-In E84: Markets update, crypto collapse, Russia/Ukraine endgame, state of the podcast

Episode 846/24/2022

Key Discussion Points:

  1. Market Update & Economic Outlook
  1. Crypto Market Collapse
  1. Russia/Ukraine Situation
  1. Future Political Landscape

Notable Quotes:

On economic outlook: "It's going to take 24-36 months. That may mean the bottom doesn't happen for another 18 months."

On crypto regulation: "Wait till these token sale things get litigated... the amount of grift by so many of these venture firms in running these sketchy deals."

On energy policy: "Job number one is to be energy independent and job number two is to move to clean energy, but you gotta do this in sequence."

The episode began with resolution of internal podcast ownership disputes, confirming equal 25% ownership stakes among the hosts moving forward.